Pinelands Village Veterinary Clinic was birthed in December 2016, with the hope of offering care to our immediate and surrounding communities in a way that was personal, gentle, and affordable, and in an environment that had a smaller,, family-type of feel to it. The practice has grown quite quickly, with us needing to expand to two consulting rooms, a larger prep room area, a designated x-ray area, and more space for hospitalised patients. We have also increased our veterinary team to four of us - Bronwyn, Heather, Jeanne and Jenni - allowing us all to work part-time, so that we can enjoy time unwinding away from work. Despite all of this growth, we feel proud that we have kept our intimacy and personal touch with our patients and clients. The reception area is home to Jenny and Ruth, with Jo-Anne helping out at the front-desk as well at times, when she is not busy with all of her nursing care in the background. Kathy helps out once a month routinely, and also fills in when other staff members are away. Last, but definitely not least, Rissi is our angel who keeps things clean and tidy, after the whirlwinds of patients have been through the doors. We all look forward to welcoming you to the PVVC family.